Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mother's Sons

"It’s hard to go back to the beginning when you feel like you are walking on thin ice… sometimes we must go back to go forward"

Mother’s Sons

born and raised
rooted in bedrock
to carry that weight 
upward over 
the untrodden mountain

spirit's fervor 
once hatched 
on a flat rock;
birthed from primordial 
native earth

genesis dawns essential inception
mother womb 
bearing the fruit of the vine
flourishing the spirit
of quintessential love

newly awakened 
dawn emerges  
finding a thriving hope
arose from the dust and ashes
where it was once forgotten

the arisen seed bears
the strong stem of its ripened essence;
sons are like nurtured blossoms ,
returning as one whole 
flowering heart of soul...

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